Crazy For You - A. C. Meyer - Chapter three Julie Читать онлайн любовный роман

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Meyer A. C.

Crazy For You

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Chapter three Julie

While I wait for my two fairy godmothers, I go to the stage to talk to the boys of the band to find out what is the setlist of the night.

I have good musical memory and zero difficulty reciting lyrics. Besides, I've sung with them countless times during rehearsal—and away from Danny, of course.

"Is our star ready to shine?” Alan, the guitarist, asks. He's the hottest of the three musicians. Tall, very straight brown hair and full of tattoos. I often joke with Jo that he's the embodiment of Kellan Kyle, the good guy from S.C. Stephens' book, Intenso Demais.

"Yesss!” I'm very nervous, but I want to do my best. I want this to be the first of many performances.

"You know that when Danny finds out...”

"Leave Danny out of it. Saturday night people come here because they want to dance to the sound of The Band. We can't let our fans down — I speak with a smile on my face, showing a safety I don't feel while trying to wrap him up.

"That's fine with me," he says, laughing. "It's going to be wonderful to play with you for real. We had this setlist for today, but I think we can make some changes to show a little more of your personality on stage —he says, extending a sheet with the playlist.”

I look through the titles, approving the choices, and thinking about three or four more songs I'd like to include.

"Have you got a pen there? I'd like to add some songs, can I?”

“Of course! You can add and remove whatever you want.”

I sit on the edge of the stage to write, whilst acknowledging this is a wonderful opportunity that I will not pass up.

This is going to be the first of many nights leading The Band, I promise myself.


"Bestiiiiie, we're here!” Jo screams, pulling me out of my daydreams.

"Did you bring something nice to wear?” I ask excitedly, already heading to the makeshift dressing room.

The place only has one dressing room and, as it was an exclusively male band, they shared the space. So, I'm going to get ready in Danny's office, since no one's going to be using it.

George hands me three bags full of clothes from a designer store in the mall, which I'm sure I've never been in.

"What is this, George?” I ask, rummaging through the bags. "Didn't you get me some clothes?”

"Baby girl, what clothes of yours did you want me to bring? Your running shoes? Or those yoga pants you‘re always in? Or jeans and a T-shirt? Of course, Jo and I had to go to the mall and do some shopping on your behalf. And we brought some IN-CRE-DI-BLE stuff!”, he speaks excitedly, clapping.

"Go on, friend, try it all on, and we'll pick and choose the outfits for you to perform in!” Jo keeps pushing me while I stare at them stunned.


“Don’t “but” me, baby girl! You gotta hurry up, we’re running out of time here.”

I remain looking from one to the other with my mouth wide open for five seconds. I got it, I’m not the most fashionable one around. I live on my sneakers and leggings or the yoga pants, but I have a little black dress at the bottom of the draw that would be perfect for tonight.

I break free from the shock, grab the clothes they give me - a black miniskirt, made of sequins and a white blouse - and I start dressing.

“This skirt is way too short.”

“No way, my dear. You have to show off your incredible legs.”

“The blouse is tight...”

“The front view has to stand out! How do you want to shine on stage, if you’re not dressed for the occasion?”

I look at myself in the mirror and I like it, but I feel awkward. The miniskirt is really short, but is not too tight and it really seems good for a night show. By adding the blouse, the look is still simple which pleases me a lot.

“Now, put on those shoes!”

I grab the shoes that Jo pushes on to my hands. They are black with very high heels and red soles.

Louboutin, I recognize the brand.

“My God, you must have paid a fortune for this!” I complain, upset that my friends went on to spend so much money on me.

“There would be no match without those shoes. You gotta put them on”, George lets out with a laugh.

While I put the shoes on, they place bracelets and hang a pair of black long earrings on me. The one thing I am thankful about is that my waxing is up to date, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to wear that short skirt with hairy legs.

Not yet pleased with dressing and adorning me up as if I were a real-life Barbie version, my friends put me in the chair that sits in the corner of the room, and while Jo opens a giant makeup briefcase, George begins to loosen my ponytail, studying my hair as if it were a scientific experiment.

"What are you doing?” George, holds my hair back.

"Julie, you have a gold mine in here and I don't know why you keep hiding it. I'm going to show you that we can play with that hair and make you look like ‘come and get me’.”

"Oh, my God...”

"Close your eyes and just take it, friend. It's going to be all right.”

With nothing to do, I sit in the chair and leave the two artists to work. I pray that I will be at least presentable and not look like a clown on the run from the circus.

Half an hour of suffering later, especially at the hands of George—who pulled me, shook, and burned my head countless times—I am allowed to stand up so they can "evaluate me." I feel like a prized horse.

I stand up looking like a giant, as I'm not used to such high shoes that add almost five inches to my sparse five feet.

The two of them are standing still and open-mouthed and I start getting stressed, imagining that I look ridiculous and that we won't have time to do anything different because it's already show time.

“What’s the matter, guys? Where’s the mirror? I wanna see!”

The three of us get startled by a knock on the door and George shouts “Come in!”, still stunned. Rafe comes in and starts talking:

“Julie, it’s almost...damn shit!

This stresses me up even more. I must look awful, because Rafe let out his third swearword of the day.

“What is it? Guys, get me a mirror!”

“Julie, is it you? My goodness, Danny was absolutely right. When he finds out that I allowed this... I am fucked” he says, more to himself than to me.

When George realizes that I am about to crumble in tears, feeling that my “pop diva” career failed before it took off, he takes me to the bathroom so that I can look at myself in the mirror.

I feel just like Cinderella must have felt when she saw the transformation the Fairy Godmother did on her for the ball.

As I look in the mirror, I feel my heart tightening hard. I see myself, for the first time, just like my mother. It’s as if I was seeing her own reflection on the mirror, looking at me, just as I recall from my childhood.

My blue eyes are huge, highlighted by the dark shadow and the eyeliner that Jo had applied.

In the mouth, a pale lipstick, with a slight gloss shine, turns my lips sensuous.

As for my hair, it doesn't even look like the one that is always tied because I think it's dull. I don't know what magic George did, but he left it with perfect waves, with volume and a "pop diva” look, just like we see it on magazine covers.

This is a turbocharged, adult version of the little girl Danny used to see. No wonder he never looked at me in any other way. Before, I seemed to be, at most, nineteen years old. Now I'm a real woman. Beautiful, sensual and adult.

"Did you like it, little girl? Say something!”

"George, I love it. I'd be crazy if I didn't like it. I had no idea I could look so beautiful.”

I leave the bathroom with a giant smile on my face and I run into Rafe, still bewildered.

"Rafe, is it time?”

“Twenty minutes. Are you sure about that? Danny's going to kill me and then kill the three of you.”

I decide to ignore his warning.

"Let Alan know we're going to start with Put your records on — I say, giving him what I hope will be my most sensuous look.

Chapter four


I leave Danny's office with my head held high and feeling powerful. It's amazing what a new outfit and perfect makeup can do for a woman's self-esteem.

Hey! You don't have to pull a face for me. I know very well that I should not feel safe and beautiful only after going through the hand of the Fairy Godmother ... or the Genie of the Lamp, since the responsibility for my transformation is George's? Well, regardless of who we are, it's very easy to forget our own worth. Especially when you like someone, and that someone doesn't give a damn about you. I promise myself that from today onwards I will have new rules of conduct established for myself and will do my best to comply with them:

Rule #1: love myself more than anyone else;

Rule #2: believe more in myself and value my beauty;

Rule #3: go after what I want and make my dreams come true.

And, feeling strong, safe and invincible, I begin to follow my new rules and take control of my own life and destiny. I give each of my friends a kiss and go to the side of the stage, waiting for my cue.

When they see me, the guys of the band seem surprised. I give a little smile and stand next to Alan, who holds my hand, trying to give me peace of mind.

“Is everything all right?”, he asks me when he feels my cold hand.

"Yes, I'm a little nervous, but fine. “Professional, Julie.” “Be professional“, I say to myself.

“Don’t worry, you look beautiful and everything is going to be just fine.” I asked Rafe to introduce us in a different manner - he can hardly finish the sentence as he announces on stage “Juliette & The Band”.

Wow! Now this band’s name sounds good. With my name upfront! I remain calm on the outside while inside I’m so happily dancing the Macarena away.

We step on to the stage together, waving to the audience. Alan makes a small announcement before we start.

“Good evening, everybody! It’s a pleasure to have you guys here.” The women scream like crazy. “The ones that always come to our shows must have found the call strange, but we want you to know that from today we have a wonderful new boost with Juliette coming to be part of the group. We hope you enjoy the show and have fun!”

He looks at me with a sensual smile on his lips. I smile back, feeling pretty awkward, and wave to the audience, while I place myself in front of the microphone.

The boys start playing the song I chose for the opening. I close my eyes and just shut the audience down. I feel the cold rising in my belly, but in a good way. The best part about singing songs I love is the fact that I get more involved, passing on all the excitement. I hear my cue and start, with a very soft and charming tone, singing the first verses of the song:

Three little birds, sat on my window

And they told me I don't need to worry.

Summer came like cinnamon, so sweet,

Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

I feel a shiver from head to toe. The audience begins to applaud. The music carries on and suddenly I realize that the bar is in complete silence. I open my eyes and realize that most of those present are staring at me. They're not booing or throwing cans on to the stage. It's got to be a good sign, right?

I break into a half-dull smile, and close my eyes again, dipping into the verses of the song. When I utter the last words, the audience bursts into applause, taking me by surprise and making Alan and the boys proud.

We continue, mixing up slow songs and more lively ones, and the audience doesn’t stop dancing. After we play She will be loved, Alan announces a twenty-minute break, which is super welcome, as I'm dying of thirst and heat.

Away from the public eye, the three of them just embrace me, happily.

"Julie, it was amazing! Our show never had such energy!” Brian, the drummer, says as he hugs me.

"Congratulations." I thought you wouldn't handle it, but you caught me by surprise” Levi, the bassist, throws me a wink.

"You were amazing on stage... and your voice drove all the guys crazy at the bar. Even me”, Alan whispers in my ear and blows a kiss to my neck.

I feel a chill. It strikes a chord why women keep screaming when he shows up. If I wasn't in love with Danny and wasn't 100% sure that Alan would shred my heart after devouring me, I'd melt at his feet and take my place in the line - pretty long, by the way - of Alan Hunt's conquests.

"Thank you," I speak to everyone, moving away from Alan's seductive touch. “It was great.” I fail to speak out the words to demonstrate how thrilled and happy I am. I smile at them and ask permission to speak to Rafe, who is coming to meet us.

"Julie, what a show! People are crazy about you. Danny's going to kill me, but I'm sure it was the best decision I've ever made.” He laughs and gives me a very tight bear hug. Rafe's cute, even in his somewhat serious way.

"Thank you! Coming from you, that's a top-compliment. Thank you so much for letting me do this. I need a drink of water and I wanted to talk to George and Jo before I get back on stage.”

“Of course. They're there by the bar. I'm going to go talk to the boys.”

I give a kiss to Rafe and go straight to the bar. On the way, people smile at me and I give it back happily.

I look around and I see George waving like crazy at me. I start laughing. He is hilarious when he does that, he seems like a little girl who just got a new Barbie.

"Little girl! You were dazz-ling! Beautiful! Diva! Everything!” I can’t stop laughing as he hugs me very tightly.

"Thank you, George. Where's Jo? Tell me everything! Did you like it? Did I go out of tune? I was so nervous…”

“Jo went outside to answer her phone. She's a little mysterious with this phone, see? She said it was work.” “Work on a Saturday, almost at midnight?” “I know... but you were stun! You sang perfectly.” They were all thrilled, praising her voice. “Little girl, if I wasn't gay, I'd get you. I never thought you'd be so sexy.”

I smile, thinking about how good it is to realize one of my dreams, until a little dark cloud crosses my mind.

"I hope Danny won't forbid me to carry on singing here. I'd be devastated.”

"He may even try, but after tonight, if you don't sing here, you'll sing wherever you want. I'm sure your performance will be making waves for a long time.”

I nod my head. George is absolutely right. If Daniel doesn't want me to keep singing here, he’ll be the one losing out.

"By the way," he continues, “Alan couldn’t keep his eyes off you. If I were you, I'd take advantage of that hot, tattooed body to get rid of the backlog. I've heard quite a few stories about the way he “plays guitar”, if you know what I mean.”

Damn it! That comment almost makes me spit out the water I was drinking.

"George! Wait for me to finish drinking before you say those things”, I complain, though with a laugh, while trying to get myself together. It's very hard to be a lady around George.

"I shouldn't have even started drinking.” “I told you, drinking without toasting, twenty years without getting. You've been on a drought, who knows since when. Just hold on, I'm going to get some water to save you from this curse.”

He rolls his eyes and goes to the bartender, like he's doing me a huge favor.

I laugh so much that my eyes fill with tears. I need to shake myself to avoid crying and smudge my makeup.

Jo arrives at this moment, her face half red. Is she blushing? Seriously? I've never seen her look embarrassed like this before. Before I open my mouth to talk, she jumps on me.

"Bestieeee! You were beautiful! I even cried when you sang the first song!”, she says, and we happily embrace each other. George approaches and hugs us too. I'm sure we look like three needy freaks in front of the bar.

"Okay, one water for each one, because our pop diva can't drink alcohol so as not to affect her performance.”

We lift our bottles and toast.

I drink the water quickly, before George makes me laugh with some other insane commentary. When I look backstage, Alan makes a sign that it's time to come back.

“I have to go.”

"Little girl, can I order a song? George asks, pulling his really needy face. I can't say “no” when he does this to me.

“Of course. What do you want me to sing?”

"Fever, a classic.”

"Jeez, George. You're so predictable. You could only want me to sing something from Madonna.”

"I Adooooore her! My favorite diva.” He winks at me. "After you, of course.”

I leave them, laughing, and I go back on stage with my bandmates. Before the show resumes, I let Alan know about George's request.

"Perfect, Julie. Are we going to sing like a duet?”

“That’s fine.”

They begin to play Fever, with a more acoustic feel. I stand in front of the microphone and Alan begins to sing the first verses:

You give me

You give me fever

Never know how much I love you

Never know how much I care

Wow! That’s one sexy song! Automatically my thoughts wonder to Danny and his deep green eyes. Alan gives the cue for me to start. With my eyes closed, I imagine myself singing to Danny alone. My voice comes out somewhat huskier, and I’m in awe of my own sensuality.

As I end my section, I tag it out to Alan, and he carries the song looking at me as if he was having indecent thoughts. I look down, embarrassed as I feel my face turn red.

Romeo loved Juliet

Juliet, she felt the same

When he put his arms around her

He said Julie, baby, you’re my flame

He gave her fever

Oh, damn it! I’m going to kill George. I totally forgot that this song mentioned my name! When Alan sings “Julie, baby, you’re my flame”, he winks at me, as if I was his inspiring muse, and the audience goes into a frenzy.

I turn forward and follow the song, holding fingers it may end soon because, with Alan’s excitement as the seductive pop star which he seems to embody so well, he will end up pulling me into his arms and kiss me on stage, in front of this crowd. Then yes, Danny would forbid me to sing!

Just let him try, my rebellious side reacts within me.

We keep on with the song and sing the last lines together. As we finish, we receive a standing ovation. I hear shouts of “handsome” for Alan and “sexy” for me. That may have been George.


The show carries on with no further issues. I’m not used to having a handsome and tattooed man looking at me as if I was a large and appetizing dessert.

At the end of the night, after we close the show, I say goodbye to the band while they disassemble the equipment and I go down to the hall, where I find Rafe.

“Julie, you were perfect. I don’t think we ever had such a lively audience! I made a preliminary survey and we have already broken our billing record. Congratulations! I will close the bills before I go home and tomorrow you can take your fee, OK?

“Oh, do I get that?” The question comes out of my mouth before I could prevent it. “Come on Julie, of course you had to earn something for singing tonight. They always pay the musicians.”

Rafe’s reply just reinforces my naivety

“Of course. Did you think you were going to sing for free?”

I let out a laugh and hug him, thanking him once again for the opportunity.

I go to the bar to find my two best friends, who seem to be very “cheerful”.

“Have a prosecco whit us, Julie Fever”, George let’s out with a silly smile.

“No prosecco whatsoever! I’m finished. I need to go home, have a bath and put my feet up. By the way, you owe me one for picking that song! I thought Alan was going to jump on top of me!”

George and Jo laugh out loud, and he hugs the two of us.

“We all thought so, little girl. Time to go.”

We follow our way home, laughing and talking about the best moments of the evening.

I get home, take a bath and dress a Garfield t-shirt. Then I get into bed and realize that tonight I’ll have a peaceful and happy sleep, as the house next door is in absolute silence.

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