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Laconic philosophical encyclopedia. LaPhiEnia (LPE) - Oleg Starchen - Читать любовный роман онлайн в женской библиотеке LadyLib.Net
Laconic philosophical encyclopedia. LaPhiEnia (LPE) - Oleg Starchen - Скачать любовный роман в женской библиотеке LadyLib.Net
Starchen OlegLaconic philosophical encyclopedia. LaPhiEnia (LPE)
2 СтраницаIn the twenty-first century is necessary to archaization of the philosophy to the old-gr. level to elevate it to OLD-Gr. level. Modernization of philosophy is dialectical, for upgrade is need archaization. So, now not only of the XXI century A. D. but XXVII century A. Thales too. 10 the ARCHAIC PHILOSOPHYPhilosophy is connected with such art as architecture. This is one of the ideas of archaic philosophy. Archiepistemology, Archiontology, Archiaesthetics etc. are Archaic and therefore old-gr. philosophies. 11 the ARCHIAXIOLOGYThe etymology of the term: αρχι – main, axiology – the science of values. Conventional axiology – the ordinary philosophy. But Archiaxiology is axiology of Non-Thalesic philosophy, of General theory of supramentality. From the point of view of this philosophy, the main exactly EPISTEMOLOGICAL value is the supramental knowledge obtained as a result of superconsciousness. 12 the ARCHIONTOLOGYArchIontology (αρχι-main, ontology-the science of objects, according to old-gr.) the ontology of Non-Platonic philosophy that studies the objective supramentality. (subjective studies Archiepistemology). Archiontology dichotomously divided into Superontology – ontology learning of particularly supramental, attain the pure overmind, and Zeazroontology, studying of General Supramentality, attain an infinite continuum of cognition functions. 13 the ARCHIPRAGMATISM“Truth is defined as usefulness” (Dewey). So Archiepistemology is the great Truth, because the usefulness of its results for humankind will be great. Pragmatism is “the philosophy of the success of human action”, pragmatism is one of the sources of Zelastrosophy, so naturally, Zelastrosophy is the Philosophy of mankind’s success. 14 the ARCHISOPHYPhilosophy is related to such types of art as sculpture and architecture. This is one of the ideas of Arhisophy. Archisophy means main wisdom, so the term is more powerful than the term Archiphilosophy, which means the main, but only the love of wisdom. 15 the ATTENTIVE PHILOSOPHYZelastrosophy brings to the supermind more philosophical attention than other philosophy. Note. First published: 2012 ©. 16 the ATHLETICS OF PHILOSOPHYNon-platonic philosophy, Zelastrosophy is athletics of philosophy, making it a powerful. Because “knowledge is power” (Francis Bacon), and supramental knowledge will be superpower (Oleg Starchen). And “if the greater the power, then the greater the responsibility” (Peter Parker). It is therefore necessary not just zeazrovning of mind, but zeazrovning of moral too. 17 the ATOMIA OF PHILOSOPHYAtomia (undivided, in old-gr.) of philosophy is syncretism, the poor state of philosophy before Non-thalesic philosophy. 18 the AUGMENTATION OF PHILOSOPHYThe augmentation of philosophy is achievable by overcoming it, becoming a conventional philosophy in non-Pythagorean philosophy, which will make it more powerful. B19 the BINOMIAL OF PHILOSOPHY(bi – two, lat., νομ – part, according to old-gr.) This divide of philosophy into two parts – ordinary (thalesic) and extraordinary (Non-thalesic). Similar in name to Newton’s binomial. 20 the BRIGHTING PASSION FOR WISDOMThe Northern lights-a figurative illustration of a bright passion for wisdom. Fiery passion for “Sophy”. In old-gr. this philosophical expression sounds: Orgaosophy. The General theory of Supramentality not just love, but brighting passion for wisdom, by showing her a supramental infinity, so Zeazrosophy on the philosophical fact is the Orgaosophy. Note. Orgaosophy published for the first time in 2012 A.D. The expression of “philosophy” was expressed by Pythagoras around the VI century BC. C21 the CALLIGRAPHY OF PHILOSOPHYThe philosophy of woman, the Philogyneya, is in some sense a calligraphic philosophy, because it produces a description of beauty, which is immanent, is inherent to a woman. Note. As in the book “the Head of Professor Dowel” fantasist Belyaev said to laboratory’s assistant: “you are a woman, and also beautiful, so a woman twice” i.e. WOMAN. 22 the CENOZOIC PHILOSOPHYThe etymology of the term: ceno i.e. καινος – new, zoic i.e. ζοε – life (old-gr.). The philosophy of the new life, Non-Thalesic philosophy, General theory of Supramentality, because of achieving the supermind will begin a new life of mankind, so this mankind become to mindkind with superconsciousness, i.e. with superconscience of zeazrovning Mindkind means mankind with good and gentle mind, i.e. with beautiful mind. Note. First published in 2012. New life of mankind will be much better and much pleasure, so Cenozoic philosophy is also “Kaifnozoic philosophy” (metagram and comical, humorosophical term). 23 the COMPLAINT PHILOSOPHYα. According to philosophical philology, the word “complaint” is one of the possible epithets of philosophy (see Epithets of philosophy). As a real example of such ideal philosophy or perfect philosophy – Nietzsche’s quote: “…you understand why I publish this book beforehand: she must NOT allow even the slightest violence against me…” (“HERE’s a MAN! How they become themselves”). Or so said one wonderful girl from the well-known and all-beloved Oscar-awarded film on the city, tears and belief: “if anyone, even with a finger…” β. The author of the work “Complaint book” is well-known and all-loved Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Complaint philosophy is a philosophical remake of this work by Chekhov. 24 the CIVILIZATION OF SUPERTHINKERSIt is the civilization of Superhuman based on the Overmind. Knowledge will be enhanced by becoming to superconsciousness; evil will be deactivated; Superhumanity will be able to become the main civilization in the Universe. 25 the CINEMATIC PHILOSOPHYIt is a philosophy that has been influenced by cinema (for example, a remake of philosophy, a philosophical thriller, a philosophical drama, a philosophical comedy, a philosophical tragicomedy, the directing of philosophy, a philosophical director, a philosophical sequel, a philosophical prequel, a philosophical role, a philosophical cameo, etc.). 26 the COMICAL PHILOSOPHY(exactly comical philosophy, do not confuse with coSmical philosophy) Such a philosophy is impossible to read or listen to, without laughing at the same time at least sometimes. For example, humorist in philosophy was Nietzsche, and Levin. Note. That is exactly LeVin (psychologist). In the first edition of the LPE was a misprint. 27 the COURAGE OF PHILOSOPHYAs my colleague, Aristocles Plato, said, “philosophy should not be mediocre, but brave, even shameless.” For example, Philogyneya quite adequate for such teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher. Such courage and shamelessness helps to the progress of philosophy. Note. Quote one Laconian: “I’m not afraid of anything, but that’s what I’m afraid, is that I’m not afraid of anything. But I’m not afraid of anything, so I’m not afraid of that too.” 28 the CHRONOAGNOSTICISMA clock is not a time machine, but a machine that show’s time, i.e. a clock is an epistemological time machine. The view that it is impossible to know the future, this chronoagnosticism, futuroagnosticism. Prophetic philosophy overcomes this epistemological pessimism, this epistemological stereotype of philosophy. D29 the DRIVING PHILOSOPHYOrgaosophy in fact is the driving philosophy behind leading the entire philosophy of the XXI century to the XXII century, and even more to the XXVII century, because the XXI century ad (Anno Domini) according to Orgaosophy is the XXVII century ath. (Anno Thales), philosophical era, starting with Thales. Получить полную версию книги можно по ссылке - Здесь загрузка... 1
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