The Bachelor: Racy, pacy and very funny! - Тилли Бэгшоу Читать онлайн любовный роман

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The Bachelor: Racy, pacy and very funny! - Тилли Бэгшоу - Скачать любовный роман в женской библиотеке LadyLib.Net

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The Bachelor: Racy, pacy and very funny!

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Аннотация к произведению The Bachelor: Racy, pacy and very funny! - Тилли Бэгшоу

It is a truth universally acknowledged, thata single man in possession of a good fortunemust be in want of… anything but a wife?The third book in the Swell Valley series by bestselling author Tilly BagshaweHenry Saxton-Brae has it all – a titled, self-made millionaire,his fiancée just happens to be a supermodel who is as kind and loyal as she is ravishingly beautiful. To top it all, he’s just bought Hanborough Castle, the jewel in the crown of the Swell Valley.Life couldn’t be better… for someone who was ready to settledown. Could he really be the only man in the world not in lovewith his future wife?Flora Fitzwilliam has been summoned by legendarydesigner Graydon James to restore Hanborough to its formerglory. She soon discovers that it’s not just the house thatneeds fixing, and Flora seems to be the only person who seesthe real Henry Saxton-Brae.Between her boss’s waning talents and Henry’s roving eye,Flora is being torn apart. Can she pull off the job, and makeHenry see that his bachelor days are behind him?Not since Rupert Campbell-Black has there been such a devastatingly sexy man in jodhpurs!

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